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Comedian Aziz Ansari takes his act to Los Feliz

Written By kolimtiga on Sabtu, 30 November 2013 | 23.50

Keeping it in the entertainment industry, Aziz Ansari of "Parks and Recreation" has bought a house in Los Feliz for $2,686,950 from director Andrew Douglas. Designed by Buff & Hensman and built in 1968, the Mid-Century Modern post-and-beam home...
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John Sayles does indie hustle again with 'Go for Sisters'

Some jobs — catching fastballs, singing pop songs, dancing en pointe — are a lot easier when you're young. Add to that list directing independent movies, where it's not the physical demands that wear out many filmmakers but the financial stresses. At...
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French style in Bel-Air

CAPTIONS Home of the Week | Bel-AirThe imposing house sits behind gates and tall hedges. (Everett Fenton Gidley) By Lauren Beale November 30, 2013, 7:00 a.m. This French chateau in Bel-Air's gated Moraga...
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The chalice that helped make possible the Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON — Many paths led to the international agreement to temporarily curb Iran's nuclear program: secret meetings in Oman, formal negotiations in Geneva, and a quiet encounter in New York involving two diplomats and an exquisite silver chalice in...
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‘Almost Human’: J.H. Wyman talks sci-fi cop show’s brighter futurism

When it comes to sci-fi, bleak and brutal are all the rage, but with his new Fox series "Almost Human," J.H. Wyman is attempting to shine a little light onto all the darkness. "When you think about shows or movies that are placed in the future, the...
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China studio boss likes Hollywood writers, wants film-rating system

Written By kolimtiga on Jumat, 29 November 2013 | 23.50

China's box office through the first three quarters was up 35% from last year, with contemporary-themed Chinese films drawing particularly large audiences. Yu Dong, chief executive of Nasdaq-listed Chinese movie studio and distributor Bona Film Group,...
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CalArts names new art studio building after John Baldessari

The new art studio building at the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia has been named after John Baldessari. (CalArts / November 27, 2013) By David Ng November 29, 2013, 7:00 a.m. Artist John Baldessari has had a long association...
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Car review: Jeep takes new path with diesel 2014 Grand Cherokee

This is not your grandfather's Jeep. The 2014 diesel Grand Cherokee Summit points the brand in a very different direction than its beginnings as a bare-bones World War II gadabout. The same can be said for this new version's $57,000 price tag. Today's...
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Has David O. Russell gone all soft and cuddly?

Toward the end of "American Hustle," the new film from comedy-drama laureate David O. Russell, a man describes his hard-won epiphany. "The art of survival," says the character, a con man played with toupee-ish shiftiness by Christian Bale, "is a story...
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Portraying Nelson Mandela hits close to home for Idris Elba

British actor Idris Elba is having what he describes as a "beautiful moment" in his career. His off-screen life, though, is another story. This summer, Elba starred in Guillermo del Toro's special-effects action thriller "Pacific Rim," in which...
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Review: South Korea's '11 A.M.' — It's about time

Written By kolimtiga on Kamis, 28 November 2013 | 23.51

That old space-time conundrum — can we change the past or future without unforeseen consequences in the present? — receives an effective workout in "11 A.M." The countdown thriller, with its undersea laboratory, wormholes, artificial black holes and...
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Yeezus! Seth Rogen, Zac Efron tease 'Bound 4'-Kanye West parody

The "Bound 2" parodies keep on coming! This time, Seth Rogen has teamed up with his "Neighbors" costar Zac Efron to spoof the explicit Kanye West and Kim Kardashian music video and simultaneously promote their upcoming comedy. Are you ready for it?...
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Labor laws dominate Legislature's 2013 output

SACRAMENTO — Big issues in the workplace — wages, overtime, time off, working conditions — are also major topics in the state Legislature. And this year, lawmakers delivered some tangible changes that will be felt in the pocketbook. At the top of the...
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UCLA's Nick Ekbatani, USC's Kelli Tennant a solid team after accident

The former UCLA football player glistened with tough, his blade prosthetic a shiny blur as he sprinted into the Rose Bowl. This popular offensive lineman who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident 16 months ago brought the blue-clad crowd to its feet...
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TV Picks: 'Ghost Ghirls,' Streisand, 'Treme,' 'Rick and Morty'

"Ghost Ghirls" (Yahoo Screen, always). Executive producer Jack Black is the muscle attached to this light and delightful Web comedy, created by Amanda Lund, Maria Blasucci and Jeremy Konner (from "Drunk History"), about a pair of scattered, self-involved,...
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Pakistan names career infantry officer as new military chief

Written By kolimtiga on Rabu, 27 November 2013 | 23.50

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan named a new army chief Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation over who would fill what has been seen as the most powerful position in the nuclear-armed nation. Lt. Gen. Raheel Sharif, 57, a career infantry officer viewed...
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'The Voice' recap: Caroline Pennell and Ray Boudreaux head home

It was not a total shocker that Ray Boudreaux, the classically handsome Louisiana swamp-pop singer from Blake Shelton's team, and the wonderfully quirky-voiced Caroline Pennell, Cee Lo Green's final contestant, were the two contenders sent home Tuesday...
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Will Ferrell's 'Anchorman 2' bumped up to Dec. 18

(Left to right) David Koechner is Champ Kind, Paul Rudd is Brian Fantana, Will Ferrell is Ron Burgundy and Steve Carell is Brick Tamland in "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. (Gemma LaMana / Paramount Pictures / November 1, 2013) By...
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Layoffs easing: Initial unemployment claims drop to 316,000

Layoffs appear to be easing as the number of people who filed for unemployment claims last week dropped by 10,000 to 316,000, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday.  The number of initial unemployment claims has decreased in six of the...
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Freddie Mac: Mortgage rates rise; 30-year fixed averages 4.29%

A nervous mortgage market drove interest rates higher this week ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, with the average for a 30-year fixed-rate loan rising to 4.29% from 4.22% a week earlier, Freddie Mac said. The rate for a typical 15-year fixed mortgage...
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Buyer beware: Time Warner Cable comes with expensive sports channels

Written By kolimtiga on Selasa, 26 November 2013 | 23.51

If Time Warner Cable is sold, its new owner is also likely to inherit some pretty expensive sports deals. Besides owning cable systems that have more than 11 million subscribers, Time Warner Cable owns two regional sports networks in Los Angeles and...
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U.S. residential building permits reach 1 million, a 5-year high

The number of U.S. residential building permits issued in October surpassed 1 million, the highest level in five years, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday. Building permits in October were up 6.2% from the month before, reaching 1,034,000, government...
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James Franco confirmed for 'Of Mice and Men' on Broadway

James Franco will star in the 2014 production of "Of Mice and Men" on Broadway. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times) By David Ng November 26, 2013, 7:50 a.m. Following weeks of rumors, James Franco has been confirmed to star...
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Watch: Chatroulette fans react to stellar 'Wrecking Ball' cover

A random viewer reacts to YouTube comedian Steve Kardynal's rendition of the Miley Cyrus hit "Wrecking Ball." (Steve Kardynal) By Randall Roberts Los Angeles Times Pop Music Critic November 26, 2013, 7:57 a.m. For your edification: A...
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Egypt police fire water cannons on protesters testing new law

CAIRO -- Egypt's tough new anti-protest law got its first major test Tuesday when dozens of demonstrators gathered in the capital to protest harsh police tactics -- and were met with drenching water-cannon blasts. The anti-protest measure, which took...
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Pending home sales in U.S. drop to 10-month low in October

Written By kolimtiga on Senin, 25 November 2013 | 23.51

Signed contracts for existing homes fell nationwide in October for the fifth straight month, further evidence the housing market has slowed after a frenzied rebound earlier this year. The National Assn. of Realtors said Monday that its pending sales...
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'Hunger Games: Catching Fire' scorches; Katie Couric nears Yahoo deal

After the coffee. Before pitching my young-adult novel.  The Skinny: I saw "Catching Fire" on Saturday and enjoyed it, though I set a high bar for dystopian fiction. Oh, and for the sake of self-promotion, I'm writing the weekly box-office projections...
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